RF Haunt: Raymond's Halloween Website


Haunts: 2003

Entire Walkthrough | Open Floor Plan in New Window

Fortune Teller

The fortune teller scene defined the look of the inner patio. She sat, solemnly looking ahead and unmoving, at the decorative white iron table in the middle of the patio. Her crystal ball was alive with electricity and a bright red glow from the table illuminated the scene.

Fortune Teller Fortune Teller Fortune Teller

This scene was mainly the work of my mom, who came up with the concept and set it up on Halloween afternoon. I had gotten out our old mannequine in the hopes that I'd be able to use her in a Pepper's Ghost effect. Time and other factors prevented that from becoming, but I still felt I needed to use the mannequine for something. As I worked on other portions of the haunt, my mom set up the fortune teller scene, decorating with a fancy costume and tablecloth.

Electric Ball Bone Goblet

As night approached, we realized we needed more lighting to illuminate the scene. We originally set a small, but unbelievably bright light on top of the table. This illuminated the scene, but also killed the eerie atmosphere. I tried putting the light down on the ground, on the chair, and in a number of other places, before I finally came up with the idea to put it under the table. Shining through the tablecloth, the light gave off a wonderful red glow that illuminated the scene and sent scattered shadows across the patio.


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Halloween 2003:
- Walkthrough
> Floor Plan
> Entire Tour

1. Approach
2. Cemetery
3. Entrance
4. Hangman
5. Fortune Teller
6. Candy

- Planning/Setup
- Halloween Night

Halloween 2001:
- Walkthrough
- Video
- Planning/Setup
- Halloween Night

Halloween 2000:
- Walkthrough
- Planning/Setup

Halloween 1999:
- Pictures

All original content copyright 2004 Raymond Fero

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